Menurut kalian, lebih baik tingkatan eksistensi atau popularitas?
Eksistensi? Popularitas?
Bukankah sejenis?
O...tetap sekali SALAH!
Tentu beda!
Jelas dari hurufnya..
Kalo Eksistensi itu E-K-S-I-S-T-E-N-S-I.
Kalo Popularitas itu.. pikir sendiri..!
Menurut kamus nih ya..
Eksistensi itu suatu keberadaan. Boleh diartikan juga, di anggap dalam suatu hal.
Contoh :
"Eksistensi Suku Baduy di pedalaman Banten mulai dikenal banyak orang."
Kalo Popularitas itu kepopuleran..
Contohnya :
"Tingkat popularitas musik keroncong semakin memudar seiring berkembangnya musik asing di Indonesia."
Jadi, tingkatannya itu lebih tinggi popularitas daripada eksistensi. Jelas, Popularitas itu ketenaran, terkenal.
Sedangkan, Eksistensi hanya diakui, dianggap suatu keberadaannya.
Sekian penjelasan dari gue.
Marini Adani :)
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
R-SMA-BI? Sekolah Orang Bule dong? -_-
Nama : Marini Adani..
Usia : 15 Tahun 2 Bulan 15 Hari.
Status : Single yang selalu kemakan HarKos-an cowo -__-
Asal Sekolah : - TK Dian Pratiwi Bogor
- SDN Papandayan 2 Bogor
- SMP Negeri 3 Bogor
- R-SMA-BI Negeri 2 Bogor.
Seorang ibu rumah tangga bertanya kepada gue, "R-SMA-BI Negeri 2 Bogor? Dimana itu?"
Dan gue menjawab, "Itu di Budi Agung, Tante"
Lalu ibu itu bertanya lagi, "Itu sih SMA Negeri 2 Bogor, neng. Bukan R-SMA-BI Negeri 2 Bogor.."
Gue pun menanggapi komentar ibu tersebut..
"Tante.. Sekarang itu SMA Negeri 2 Bogor menjadi sekolah rintisan bertaraf internasional"
"Bertaraf Internasional itu apa? Jadi sekolahnya orang asing gitu?"
Well, gue emosi ngejawabnya.. tapi harus ditahan marahnyaa..
"*sigh* Tante, mending tante baca koran aja.. Koran kan lebih pinter daripada saya"
"Iya neng".
Sudah sekian kalinya, tante itu komentarin lokasi gue -__-
Dan, banyak orang yang sering bertanya-tanya..
Pada awalnya, gue cuman berpikir, ini cuma formalitas aja.
Biar SMA NEGERI 2 Bogor lebih dikenal sebagai R-SMA-BI.
Ya, mungkin biar eksistensinya meningkat..
Dan biar dikenal, sebagai sekolah yang (rintisan) berstandar internasional
Dengan harga yang lumayan(murah) -___-
Kalo menurut lo gimana?
Sekarang, lu udah pada tau ga R-SMA-BI itu apa?
Kalo belom tau, BACA BERITA KORAN!
Kalo males baca, NONTON SIARAN BERITA!!!
gue cape loh ngejelasinnya *sewot*
cukup sekian dan.. TONTONLAH BERITA!!
salamsewotsupermaotdariMARINI :D
Usia : 15 Tahun 2 Bulan 15 Hari.
Status : Single yang selalu kemakan HarKos-an cowo -__-
Asal Sekolah : - TK Dian Pratiwi Bogor
- SDN Papandayan 2 Bogor
- SMP Negeri 3 Bogor
- R-SMA-BI Negeri 2 Bogor.
Seorang ibu rumah tangga bertanya kepada gue, "R-SMA-BI Negeri 2 Bogor? Dimana itu?"
Dan gue menjawab, "Itu di Budi Agung, Tante"
Lalu ibu itu bertanya lagi, "Itu sih SMA Negeri 2 Bogor, neng. Bukan R-SMA-BI Negeri 2 Bogor.."
Gue pun menanggapi komentar ibu tersebut..
"Tante.. Sekarang itu SMA Negeri 2 Bogor menjadi sekolah rintisan bertaraf internasional"
"Bertaraf Internasional itu apa? Jadi sekolahnya orang asing gitu?"
Well, gue emosi ngejawabnya.. tapi harus ditahan marahnyaa..
"*sigh* Tante, mending tante baca koran aja.. Koran kan lebih pinter daripada saya"
"Iya neng".
Sudah sekian kalinya, tante itu komentarin lokasi gue -__-
Dan, banyak orang yang sering bertanya-tanya..
Pada awalnya, gue cuman berpikir, ini cuma formalitas aja.
Biar SMA NEGERI 2 Bogor lebih dikenal sebagai R-SMA-BI.
Ya, mungkin biar eksistensinya meningkat..
Dan biar dikenal, sebagai sekolah yang (rintisan) berstandar internasional
Dengan harga yang lumayan
Kalo menurut lo gimana?
Sekarang, lu udah pada tau ga R-SMA-BI itu apa?
Kalo belom tau, BACA BERITA KORAN!
Kalo males baca, NONTON SIARAN BERITA!!!
gue cape loh ngejelasinnya *sewot*
cukup sekian dan.. TONTONLAH BERITA!!
salamsewotsupermaotdariMARINI :D
Kamis, 17 Februari 2011
New Life♥
Someday, i'll be gone from your life. You'll never find me.You'll never catch me. You'll never meet me. I've changed my attitudes, my characters, and my life. But, we don't know
what will happening in the future time.
what will happening in the future time.
Like Katy Perry sings "Don't ever look back!", it reminds me that if someday we'll meet again,
just forget what happened in the past time. But, i can't tell a lie to you. It's hard for me to forget our 'meaningless' memories. When i'm with you, this world looks so brighter. But i can't have you all the time. There's something happened on our life. So, it's time to me for looking the new life. Life's that i can feel the freedom. I can reach all my goals. I can select my option life.
just forget what happened in the past time. But, i can't tell a lie to you. It's hard for me to forget our 'meaningless' memories. When i'm with you, this world looks so brighter. But i can't have you all the time. There's something happened on our life. So, it's time to me for looking the new life. Life's that i can feel the freedom. I can reach all my goals. I can select my option life.
Minggu, 13 Februari 2011
Love, Life, and Feeling..
Aku sudah remaja.
Tapi terkadang ku merasa aku seperti anak kecil.
Memang, boleh ku akui aku memang labil.
It's common thing, right?
Bagi seorang remaja, jatuh cinta adalah hal terindah yang pernah dialami.
Dan patah hati ialah hal yang paling buruk di muka bumi ini.
Tapi, jatuh cinta akan berujung dengan patah hati. Tapi tidak semua seperti itu sih.
I had my first love when i was in 8th grade ._.
Ha ha ha..
I thought it was a beautifull time ever. Sometimes, it hurts my feeling -_-
But i have to survive.survive.and survive.
And i let him to be herself.
At the same year, i've got love struck with my classmate.
Uhm.. --"
I know, my bestfriends loves him.
Hahaha.. LOL!
I just kept my feeling. Till i found the right time to show my feeling to him.
Before National Exams, i found the time. Yeah, i tell him what i'm feeling.
Oh ya, i'm crazy. I'm in love to 3 guys at the same time. Ha ha ha..
Well, they're just say.. "Thank you..."
But, i just love the one. Hmm..
Maybe, that just me who think about something morethan the fact.
Just imagine something impossible would come true.
Several days after National Exam, there's a guy who made me in love.
He's ..... xP
I still remember the time when he showed his feeling.
This is our conversation..
F : "Rin.."
M : "apa?"
F : "*ngasih kertas* lu baca surat ini deh"
M : "Ok, gue baca ya :)"
F : "*ngegitar lagu To Be With You* gimana rin? hehe"
M : "so sweet banget ._. buat siapa nih?"
F : "Buat kamu. Kamu mau ga jadi apa yang aku tulis di surat itu?"
M : "hmm.. serius?"
F : "aku serius.. jadi gimana?"
M : "hmm, aku mau :">"
F : "kamu yakin? *muka semangat*"
M : "kamu maunya apa?"
F : "maunya beneran serius :)"
M : "hahaha iyaa aku mau ko :)"
Hmm, i was so shy when he said that he wants to be mine :)
I'm so glad. His love letter, it's fill with romantic sentences.
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! 070410:*
For sure, i didn't love him whole-hearted.
I still like someone that i adore. Hmm..
Hmm, my relationship stay no longer.
Just one month and 2 days ._.
Oh poor me..
He cheat on me :(
But, i love his action. He tells me what happen and tell the truth.
Although i ever hate what he has done to me, now i'm realize it better way.
Once again, i adore my ex-classmate -_-
And it happened untill December 2010.
Ha ha ha.. Long time i used to adore someone that never be mine.
And i try to move on because there's something happen !
POOR ME! I have move on to the wrong guy -__-
But, it didn't meant that my life would stuck at that time.
As long as i can get closer with someone, i can move on easily.
I'm kinda people that easy in love but hard to forget the 'beautifull' memories :\
Tapi terkadang ku merasa aku seperti anak kecil.
Memang, boleh ku akui aku memang labil.
It's common thing, right?
Bagi seorang remaja, jatuh cinta adalah hal terindah yang pernah dialami.
Dan patah hati ialah hal yang paling buruk di muka bumi ini.
Tapi, jatuh cinta akan berujung dengan patah hati. Tapi tidak semua seperti itu sih.
I had my first love when i was in 8th grade ._.
Ha ha ha..
I thought it was a beautifull time ever. Sometimes, it hurts my feeling -_-
But i have to survive.survive.and survive.
And i let him to be herself.
At the same year, i've got love struck with my classmate.
Uhm.. --"
I know, my bestfriends loves him.
Hahaha.. LOL!
I just kept my feeling. Till i found the right time to show my feeling to him.
Before National Exams, i found the time. Yeah, i tell him what i'm feeling.
Oh ya, i'm crazy. I'm in love to 3 guys at the same time. Ha ha ha..
Well, they're just say.. "Thank you..."
But, i just love the one. Hmm..
Maybe, that just me who think about something morethan the fact.
Just imagine something impossible would come true.
Several days after National Exam, there's a guy who made me in love.
He's ..... xP
I still remember the time when he showed his feeling.
This is our conversation..
F : "Rin.."
M : "apa?"
F : "*ngasih kertas* lu baca surat ini deh"
M : "Ok, gue baca ya :)"
F : "*ngegitar lagu To Be With You* gimana rin? hehe"
M : "so sweet banget ._. buat siapa nih?"
F : "Buat kamu. Kamu mau ga jadi apa yang aku tulis di surat itu?"
M : "hmm.. serius?"
F : "aku serius.. jadi gimana?"
M : "hmm, aku mau :">"
F : "kamu yakin? *muka semangat*"
M : "kamu maunya apa?"
F : "maunya beneran serius :)"
M : "hahaha iyaa aku mau ko :)"
Hmm, i was so shy when he said that he wants to be mine :)
I'm so glad. His love letter, it's fill with romantic sentences.
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! 070410:*
For sure, i didn't love him whole-hearted.
I still like someone that i adore. Hmm..
Hmm, my relationship stay no longer.
Just one month and 2 days ._.
Oh poor me..
He cheat on me :(
But, i love his action. He tells me what happen and tell the truth.
Although i ever hate what he has done to me, now i'm realize it better way.
Once again, i adore my ex-classmate -_-
And it happened untill December 2010.
Ha ha ha.. Long time i used to adore someone that never be mine.
And i try to move on because there's something happen !
POOR ME! I have move on to the wrong guy -__-
But, it didn't meant that my life would stuck at that time.
As long as i can get closer with someone, i can move on easily.
I'm kinda people that easy in love but hard to forget the 'beautifull' memories :\
Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
ayam ayam ayam bebek..
bebek bebek bebek ayam..
ayam jadi juara..
bebek jadi juara..
ayam bebek, JADI JUARA !!!
Damn, i love #KOMBEKYAM !
Sialnya gue kena #ayambebeksyndrome
Itutuh sejenis penyakit yang ga bisa berhenti nyanyi yel-yel yang diatas tadi tuh..
Huehehehe :p
Dan efeknya tuh gue jadi keranjingan nonton DBL..
DBL itu development basketball league !
Untuk seminggu ini, gue udah nonton 4 kali pertandingan.
Padahal, sebelum gue jadi anak SMA, gue ga minat ikut acara.
hahaha :))
mungkin inilah tindakan ke'norak'an gue -__-v haha
bebek bebek bebek ayam..
ayam jadi juara..
bebek jadi juara..
ayam bebek, JADI JUARA !!!
Damn, i love #KOMBEKYAM !
Sialnya gue kena #ayambebeksyndrome
Itutuh sejenis penyakit yang ga bisa berhenti nyanyi yel-yel yang diatas tadi tuh..
Huehehehe :p
Dan efeknya tuh gue jadi keranjingan nonton DBL..
DBL itu development basketball league !
Untuk seminggu ini, gue udah nonton 4 kali pertandingan.
Padahal, sebelum gue jadi anak SMA, gue ga minat ikut acara.
hahaha :))
mungkin inilah tindakan ke'norak'an gue -__-v haha
Kamis, 03 Februari 2011
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