Minggu, 15 April 2012


It would be awesoooooomeeeee if I could have..........

All of the things !

Source : 9gag

Sabtu, 07 April 2012


Ibu : "Rin, kata Eyang, kata temen-temen Ibu, kamu jadi dokter aja"
Arin : "Ibu kan tau sendiri Arin lemah di Matematika, Kimia, Fisika."
Ibu : "Lah emang kamu pikir KesMas ga ada Matematika dan hitungan lainnya?"
Arin : "Arin takutnya kalo Arin jadi dokter, dosis obat pasiennya ga cocok."
Ibu : "Ga ada salahnya kan nyoba dulu?"
Arin : "Yah kalo faktor 'luck' Arin bisa keterima di kedokteran, Arin ga kuat."
Ibu : "Kamu harus kejar PMDK."

Mom, stop push me. I know my weakness. I know what's my best skill.
But, still.... I'll keep following your rules.
Mom, believe me. I'll be someone that successful, someday.

Your goofy girl,

Soal Angket BK.

Hello Blogger!

Tau pelajaran BK kan?
Tau ga?
BK tuh Bimbingan Konseling.
Pelajaran itu tuh sejenis muatan lokal *menurut gue*.
Cuman, di pelajaran ini, kita ditantang untuk mengeksplorasi kemampuan kita.
Nah... Nah.. Nah... Intinya, mecoba untuk mencari jati diri gitu lah.

Ga biasanya kelas 11 dikasih anget BK.
Kalo kelas 10 sih kenyang angket. Angket penjurusan.
Yang kali ini, angket tentang masalah belajar.
Nah yang menginspirasi gue buat bikin postingan ini...
Soal Angket No. 16.

Nah. Baca soalnya mendadak galau inget hari ini tuh hari....
Hari Sabtu #loh ?

Pertama kali liat soal ini, gue mikir. Terus, gue kepikiran. Terus GALAU.
Hell yeah!
Tapi di angket itu gue ceklis di bagian TP.
Dengan uraian seperti ini 
"Walau saya tidak punya pacar, tapi saya yakin kalau orang tua saya selalu memperhatikan, mencintai, dan menyayangi saya."
Kesannya tuh.... AGAK CURHAT ya.
Yang bagian "Walau saya tidak punya pacar...." tuh kesannya tuh MIRIS BANGET.
Eh miris aja deh. Miris banget mah diduain :').
Tapi, dengan soal ini, gue berpikir..
Gue ga mungkin hidup tanpa cinta, kasih sayang, dan perhatian.... dari orang tua gue.
I love my parents.
"That's what you are my everything♥"

Sekian curcolnya,
See ya!

Marini :)

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Harkos and Move On.

Heyhoooo blogah!
Welcome back ;)
Now, i'll post abt "Harkos dan Move On."
In this post, i'll try using English.
Sorry for the bad grammar.
So, check this out guys!

Move On consist of 6 letter, 2 words. Easy to say but hard to do.
Believe it or not, moving on is harder than letting go.
Letting go someone that you love isn't easy thing to do, right?

How about 'Harkos' ?
Harkos means wishful thinking.
We hope too much to someone that we adored.
But, the people that we hope, doesn't have same feeling with us.
But they still give us their attention and blahblahblah till we thought that she/he have same feeling with us.
And wondering that we'll become a couple, someday.
Actually, what's on our mind not always the same with the reality.

"Kalo kita ga kegeeran sih, ya ga bakal ada kata 'harkos'." - MrnAdn
From this quote, we can conclude that.....
Someone who hope too much, have a high level dream.
We dream wildly about people that we adore, adore us back.
We think that he/she'll love us back
Uhm.... maybe we spend so much time just to stalking his/her timeline and look at his/her updates.
They talked about "falling in love" on their timeline. We think those updates are for us.
But the fact? Who knows? We don't know what's he/she think about.
Okay, we've spent so much time waiting for something that uncertain.
I just realized i've been wasting my gold time only for waiting someone to love me back.

"Thank them and Move on" - Option B, Number 37.
After so long time we get closer and he/she still don't give us the "certainty" thing, and we realized that we've been wishing for impossible things happen, just say thank to them who gives us hope.
At least, they assume that we're exist in his/her life all this time even we aren't exist on his/her mind and heart.
The last thing, MOVE ON !

For 'love vocabularies', he/she that give us 'hope' could be our EX. They're the EXample of false love and an EXplanation for why you deserve better. So, move on and stay with the better person who will make you to be better person, too.

Let's moving on!
Marini Adani.